Peace Sign?

A woman in the know once told me that the peace sign was actually an upside down cross with broken arms. Athan X aka nowstuffnow does Rock ‘n RAP – Silver Surfer going live! Your interaction welcomed. My criteria for this blog are: 1. Challenge but not hurt feelings. 2. If its out there & worthy of remark, well, what do you expect? 3. Hoping … Continue reading Peace Sign?

Do you know what your church is up to?

Greek & Russian Orthodox churches are displaying the eye in the pyramid, & in particular the Greek Orthodox church is placing the eye in the pyramid above the Last Supper. Wazzup!? The Coptic Orthodox church places the cross above the Last Supper, which seems right to me. Do we actually know what our churches are up to? Athan X aka nowstuffnow does Rock ‘n RAP … Continue reading Do you know what your church is up to?